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Dependency-Track can be configured to expose system metrics using the Prometheus text-based exposition format. They can then be collected and visualized using tools like Prometheus and Grafana.

To enable metrics exposition, set the alpine.metrics.enable property to true (see Configuration).



Metrics will be exposed in the /metrics endpoint, which is not subject to access control. If protection is desired, it is recommended to add basic authentication at the reverse proxy or load balancer layer. A guide for NGINX can be found here.

Grafana Dashboard

Because Micrometer is used to collect and expose metrics, common Grafana dashboards for Micrometer should just work. An example Grafana dashboard is provided here. Refer to the Grafana documentation for instructions on how to import it.


The example dashboard is meant to be a starting point. Users are strongly encouraged to explore the available metrics and build their own dashboards, tailored to their needs. The sample dashboard is not actively maintained by the project team, however community contributions are more than welcome.

System Metrics in Grafana

Event Metrics in Grafana