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addBinaryProvider(BinaryProvider) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder
addBinaryProvider(Function<HttpClient, BinaryProvider>) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder
APPLICATION_GZIP - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_JSON - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8 - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_X_ZIP_COMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_XML - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_XML_UTF8 - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_ZIP - Static variable in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.MimeType
Architecture - Enum in com.github.nscuro.wdm


binaryDestinationDir(Path) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder.BinaryDestinationDirStep
BinaryExtractor - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression
Extractor for WebDriver binaries.
BinaryExtractor.FileSelectors - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression
BinaryExtractorFactory - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression
A factory for BinaryExtractors.
BinaryExtractorFactory() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractorFactory
BinaryManager - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
A manager for WebDriver binaries.
BinaryManager.Builder - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
BinaryManager.Builder.BinaryDestinationDirStep - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
A BinaryManager.Builder step that forces the user to specify a directory where binaries shall be deployed to.
BinaryManager.Builder.HttpClientStep - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
A BinaryManager.Builder step that forces the user to provide a HttpClient.
BinaryProvider - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
Provider for WebDriver binaries.
Browser - Enum in com.github.nscuro.wdm
build() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder
builder() - Static method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
byName(String) - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser


ChromeDriverBinaryProvider - Class in
A BinaryProvider for Google's ChromeDriver.
ChromeDriverBinaryProvider(HttpClient) - Constructor for class
com.github.nscuro.wdm - package com.github.nscuro.wdm
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary
This package contains classes for binary downloading and management - package
This package contains classes for binary management specific to Google Chrome
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge
This package contains classes for binary management specific to Microsoft Edge
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox
This package contains classes for binary management specific to Mozilla Firefox - package
This package contains classes for binary management specific to Microsoft's Internet Explorer
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera
This package contains classes for binary management specific to Opera
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util
This package contains utility classes for mainly I/O related purposes
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression
This package contains classes for file decompression
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github
This package contains classes for the GitHub releases API integration
com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs
This package contains classes for the Google Cloud Storage API integration
com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
This package contains classes that are responsible for the actual WebDriver instantiation.
com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager - package com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager
This package contains classes responsible for WebDriver instance management.
compare(String, String) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.VersionComparator
create(HttpClient, String, String) - Static method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubReleasesService
Create a new GitHubReleasesService instance.
create(HttpClient, String) - Static method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageDirectoryService
Create a new GoogleCloudStorageDirectoryService instance.
createDefault() - Static method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Get the default BinaryManager.
createWebDriver(Capabilities) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.LocalWebDriverFactory
Get a WebDriver instance based on the given Capabilities.
createWebDriver(Capabilities) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.RemoteWebDriverFactory
Get a WebDriver instance based on the provided Capabilities.
createWebDriver(Capabilities) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.WebDriverFactory
Get a WebDriver instance based on the provided Capabilities.


defaultBinaryDestinationDir() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder.BinaryDestinationDirStep
Use the default binary destination directory ($HOME/.webdriver-manager).
defaultHttpClient() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder.HttpClientStep
Use the default HttpClient.
doesRequireBinary() - Method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryProvider
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in class
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in class
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
download(String, Os, Architecture, Path) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
Download the binary in a given version for a given Os and Architecture.
downloadAsset(GitHubReleaseAsset) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubReleasesService
Download a given GitHubReleaseAsset.
downloadFile(GoogleCloudStorageEntry) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageDirectoryService
Download a given GoogleCloudStorageEntry.


entryIsFile() - Static method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractor.FileSelectors
entryNameStartsWithIgnoringCase(String) - Static method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractor.FileSelectors
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
extractBinary(Path, Predicate<ArchiveEntry>) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractor
Extract a file matching a given Predicate from the archive to a given Path.


FileSelectors() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractor.FileSelectors


GeckoDriverBinaryProvider - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox
A BinaryProvider for Mozilla's GeckoDriver.
GeckoDriverBinaryProvider(HttpClient) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
getAllReleases() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubReleasesService
Get all available GitHubReleases of the repository.
getArchitectures() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.Platform
getBinaryExtractorForArchiveFile(File) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.compression.BinaryExtractorFactory
Get a BinaryExtractor that is able to handle the archive format of a given File.
getBinarySystemProperty() - Method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser
getBinaryVersionForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.WebDriverFactoryConfig
Get the desired binary version for a given Browser.
getCurrent() - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Architecture
getCurrent() - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Os
getCurrentCapabilities() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager
getCurrentWebDriver() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager
getEntries() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageDirectoryService
Get all GoogleCloudStorageEntry of the directory.
getKey() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageEntry
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryProvider
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in class
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in class
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestBinaryVersion(Os, Architecture) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
Get the latest available binary version for a given Os and Architecture.
getLatestWebDriverBinary(Browser) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Get the latest WebDriver binary (Os and Architecture will be auto-detected).
getLatestWebDriverBinary(Browser, Os, Architecture) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Get the latest WebDriver binary.
getLocalWebDriverBinaries() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
getName() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.Platform
getOs() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.Platform
getUrl() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageEntry
getWebDriver(Capabilities) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager
Get a WebDriver instance for the given desired Capabilities.
getWebDriver(Capabilities) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.WebDriverManager
Get a WebDriver instance based on the given desired Capabilities.
getWebDriverBinary(Browser, String, Os, Architecture) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Get a WebDriver binary.
getWebDriverBinary(Browser, String) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Get a specific version of a WebDriver binary (Os and Architecture will be auto-detected).
getWebDriverClassName() - Method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser
GitHubRelease - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github
GitHubRelease() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubRelease
GitHubReleaseAsset - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github
GitHubReleaseAsset() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubReleaseAsset
GitHubReleasesService - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github
A service for accessing GitHub's API for releases.
GoogleCloudStorageDirectoryService - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs
A service for accessing Google's Cloud Storage API.
GoogleCloudStorageEntry - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs
GoogleCloudStorageEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.googlecs.GoogleCloudStorageEntry


hasAssetForPlatform(Platform) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubRelease
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
httpClient(HttpClient) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager.Builder.HttpClientStep
HttpUtils - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util
HTTP related utility methods.


IEDriverServerBinaryProvider - Class in
A BinaryProvider for Microsoft's IEDriverServer.
IEDriverServerBinaryProvider(HttpClient) - Constructor for class
isAssetForPlatform(Platform) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.github.GitHubReleaseAsset


LocalWebDriverFactory - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
A WebDriverFactory that creates local WebDriver instances.
LocalWebDriverFactory(BinaryManager, WebDriverFactoryConfig) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.LocalWebDriverFactory
Create a LocalWebDriverFactory that is able to download binaries if necessary.
LocalWebDriverFactory(BinaryManager) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.LocalWebDriverFactory
Create a LocalWebDriverFactory that is able to download binaries if necessary.
LocalWebDriverFactory() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.LocalWebDriverFactory


MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge
A BinaryProvider for Microsoft's WebDriver implementation.
MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider(HttpClient) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
MimeType - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util
MIME types that are not defined in ContentType.


OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera
A BinaryProvider for Opera's OperaChromiumDriver.
OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider(HttpClient) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
Os - Enum in com.github.nscuro.wdm


Platform - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryProvider
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.edge.MicrosoftWebDriverBinaryProvider
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.firefox.GeckoDriverBinaryProvider
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.
providesBinaryForBrowser(Browser) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.opera.OperaChromiumDriverBinaryProvider
Indicate whether or not binaries can be provided for a given Browser.


quitWebDriver(WebDriver) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager
Quit the given WebDriver instance.
quitWebDriver(WebDriver) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.WebDriverManager
Quit a given WebDriver instance.


registerWebDriverBinary(Browser, File) - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.BinaryManager
Register a given File as the WebDriver binary for a given Browser.
RemoteWebDriverFactory - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
A WebDriverFactory that creates WebDriver instances remotely.
RemoteWebDriverFactory(String) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.RemoteWebDriverFactory


setBinaryVersionForBrowser(Browser, String) - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.WebDriverFactoryConfig
Specify which driver binary version to download for a given Browser.
shutdown() - Method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager
shutdown() - Method in interface com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.WebDriverManager
Quit all open WebDriver instances managed by this class.
SingletonWebDriverManager - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager
A WebDriverManager that manages a single WebDriver instance.
SingletonWebDriverManager(WebDriverFactory) - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager.SingletonWebDriverManager


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Architecture
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Os
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Architecture
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Browser
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.github.nscuro.wdm.Os
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyContentTypeIsAnyOf(HttpResponse, String...) - Static method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.HttpUtils
Verify that a given HttpResponse does define any of the given content types.
verifyStatusCodeIsAnyOf(HttpResponse, int...) - Static method in class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.HttpUtils
Verify that a given HttpResponse does have any of the given status codes.
VersionComparator - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util
VersionComparator() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.binary.util.VersionComparator


WebDriverFactory - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
WebDriverFactoryConfig - Class in com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
Programmatic configuration for WebDriverFactory.
WebDriverFactoryConfig() - Constructor for class com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory.WebDriverFactoryConfig
WebDriverFactoryException - Exception in com.github.nscuro.wdm.factory
Exception that is thrown when WebDriver instantiation via WebDriverFactory failed.
WebDriverManager - Interface in com.github.nscuro.wdm.manager
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